Learn French With Alexa's Starter Guide to French Conjugations
Learn French With Alexa
This starter guide is the perfect introduction to French conjugations. The guide focuses on 20 of the most common verbs in French, across the 3 different verb groups, including the auxiliaries Être and Avoir.
With simple yet detailed explanations and examples, the guide will show you how to conjugate each verb in six different tenses (Présent, Impératif Présent, Imparfait, Passé Composé, Conditionnel Présent, Futur Simple), as well as showing when and how to use the different conjugations.
The guide also includes an introduction, a timeline to help you understand and visualise the differences between the tenses, and some additional tips and tricks to help you put your new conjugation skills into practice.
You get:
E-book version (compatible with Apple devices).
Includes audio buttons for each verb, which allows you to hear how the example sentence and different conjugations for each verb should be pronounced.
PDF version. (compatible with all devices)
Viewable on all usual devices.
Associated audio fies
WAV format - organised into folders.
180 MB
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